
Music & Development

Music & Development

Daphy's: Combining The Latest In Color & Audio Science To Define A Brand While Developing Your Brain.  No matter a first child or a tenth (for those willing to go the EXTRA Mile) creating and fostering advantages for our children and how to achieve them remains both paramount and a constant quest for all parents alike. While there is no shortage of opinions and claims regarding...

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Putting Your Foot Down: How to Say No to Your Child

Putting Your Foot Down: How to Say No to Your Child

“No.” Who knew such a small word could turn the world upside down? Yes, no is NO fun to hear. As far as your child is concerned, this is the worst word in the English language. Children just don’t like to be told no; the utterance of this word can cause tantrums, screaming, crying, or other unacceptable behaviors, even in public. They’ll beg. Plead. Try...

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Making Sweet Music: Toys & Activities To Inspire Your Child’s Creative Side

Making Sweet Music: Toys & Activities To Inspire Your Child’s Creative Side

Your little one has a big imagination — and now is the time to encourage them to really get in touch with their creative side. Creativity is a powerful tool that can provide your children with a rich inner life, as well as help them professionally and academically in the future. Best of all, you can help them to nurture this trait with a bunch...

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